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The Space of Human Dignity

Mary Azarm

Alireza Darvish

Eran Far

Nahid Hagigat

Rashin Kheiriyeh

Ardeshir Mohassess

Nicky Nodjoumi

Behrouz Nournia

Sudi Sharafshahi

Siamk Tamiz

Homayoun Yeroushalmi

2nd January Through 16th January, 2020

The Space of Human Dignity


The artworks exhibited in this collection are reflected in the concept of 'the space of human dignity'. Human Dignity is an individual or group's sense of self-respect and self-worth, physical and psychological integrity and empowerment. All artists with a different artistic approach, in terms of materials and artistic style, reflected their individual and exceptional experience around this concept. 


The artists whose work features in the sale are: Mary Azarm, Alireza Darvish, Eran Far, Nahid Hagigat, Rashin Kheiriyeh, Ardeshir Mohassess, Nicky Nodjoumi, Behrouz Nournia, Sudi Sharafshahi, Siamk Tamiz, Homayoun Yeroushalmi. 

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